Below are several tracts for you to use when you are witnessing. Feel free to download and go to a print shop and use them.

In 1967 Michael Seth accepted Jesus as Lord of his life and he began street evangelizing. He had purchased different witnessing tracts from different sources, but none seemed to be adequate and all were costly. Then speaking to his missionary friends he found that they had a need for printing. They were trying to get their newsletters out in a consistent way to their supporters. Philippians 4:6 says- Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. So Michael prayed to the Lord making a request for Him to provide a way that all these needs be met. And the Lord quickly began to bring different people into Michael’s life who had different printing equipment- printing presses, ink, folding machines, paper cutter, binding machines and even the paper were all given to Michael.

He was grateful to the Lord and praised God again because the Lord never fails. He always bring to pass exactly what is needed at the time it is needed. Michael taught himself the art of printing. He developed his own witnessing tracts. And soon he was printing thousands and thousands of witnessing tracts- as well as the missionary’s newsletters and even small bible study books

In 1988 Michael met and helped a missionary pastor working in Haiti. After prayer it was decided that Michael and this Pastor would go to Oklahoma. Once there Michael went to visit with T.L. Osborn. They spoke at length. T.L. Osburn showed Michael some raw 16mm movies of some of his sermons and even showed Michael a few of his printed sermons. And that is when he Lord inspired Michael to ask T.L. Osburn if he could have copies of some of his printed sermons so he could illustrate them as witnessing tracts. T.L. Osburn heartily agreed as long as he could review them before they were distributed. And, just in case you have never heard T.L. Osburn preach, there is a video of him at the bottom of this page.

PRINTED ON 8 1/2 x 11

PRINTED ON 8 1/2 x 11

PRINTED ON 8 1/2 x 17